Netflix has gained quite a lot of popularity over the years because of its competent consistency with providing consumers, award winning Netflix Original shows, documentaries and more, without commercials. I think from a scale of 1-10, based on my experience with them, I give them a 9.5 (story for another day) or let me just say it and run to hide-THEY DON’T HAVE THE REAL HOUSEWIVES & THE KARDASHIANS (insert crying emoji here)!
Why netflix! Why not WAGS? the BasketBallWivesLa? Nene leakes would be a solid investment if Netflix would consider. That’s why I give them 9.5 because my guilty pleasure is “Ratchet TV”. Don’t ask me why?!
Anyway, usually, they’re kind enough to allow potential prospects to have a one month free trial. Afterwards, you get to pay a monthly fee, after picking a plan that suits you best to enjoy your “Netflix and Chill”. I also forgot to mention that, I LOVVVVEE how they realease an entire season. Perfect preference for my patience. I mean, don’t give me one episode and keep me waiting and wondering what Is going to happen next! No. I would want to follow up with minimal to no suspense and move on with my life chapchap!
Long story short, the following netflix series were my summer favorites this 2018 and come highly recommended

As I write this part in fact, of a Netflix Original (in some countries), I can’t help but hum the song in the introduction. It went-sing me a song of a lass that is gone. Say could that lass be I? Merry of soul she sailed on a day over the sea to skye. If you’ve watched it, you’re humming it in your head too right?
I kid you not, every time this song came on, after I have lit the candles, the tea is brewing or rather the tears of red wine poetically dripping back down to the glass, I’d twirl like Kenya mooreto the song before the episode began. Yes, I am very extra UNAPOLOGETICALLY and I intend to be extra in being extra as I grow older just so we are clear! They say “Be yourself and be true to who you are, the world will adjust.”
The story is actually a narrative of the book series Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Claire, the narrator, who explores the stone circle of Craigh na Dun, travels 200 years back where she experiences a life altering adventure, romance and medieval people who lead the most primitive lifestyles. She becomes a beacon of change in the community and quite frankly, the way they displayed the context of marriage in the show was outstanding.
Then there is James Fraser, Claire’s husband back in time. I fell in love with his character. That is all i am going to say. Otherwise, the show has a way of keeping you at the edge of your seat, while at the same time revealing your sensitive spots. I cried occasionally. Became resentful towards Jack Randal. For the most part, I fell in love with the display of marriage and partnership by the dynamic duo. James and Claire. If you have not watched the show, you better press play. James Fraser will inspire you.
2. Anne with an E.
This is such a beautiful heartwarming story by Netflix Originals based on the book Anne of Green Gables.
Anne, who is an orphan, has a very interesting sense of imagination and is dealt a difficult card from a very young age. Her biggest want as an orphan, was to have a sense of belonging. She ends up in Green Gables, where she gets adopted by two elderly siblings who had never been married or had kids.Initially, they planned on adopting a boy but as fate would have it, they got Anne instead. In the beginning, they don’t accept her and Anne has to to earn their acceptance by exhibiting discipline and cooperation.
Finally, she gets accepted but still battles with grief due to the struggles that came with the 19th century. That is, lack of sufficient funds, resources, information and verbal abuse by members of the community. Anne, left with no choice, fights through the prejudices and even bullying at school. She further expresses relevance in gender equality and becomes the tiny miss problem solver of Green Gables community. Eventually, she wins the hearts of everybody including mine.
Basically, throughout the show, we see a girl overcoming adversity while staying true to her identity. After the two seasons, I felt so inspired. I found some wisdom in the show and thought it was a prayer answered to some silent questions indirectly. Otherwise, It’s so interesting how special people have to walk through the roughest roads. Mystery in full precision!! Press play!! You will love her. Meanwhile, I can’t wait for season 3. You can also checkout The Blogging Dead who breaks down Anne with an E, episode by episode.
3. The Crown
This is also a binge worthy Netflix Original. The shows tells “all” about Queen Elizabeth II from the age of 25 as a newlywed, who loses her dad and is next in line as the Queen of the throne of England. The decision troubles her because she has no experience whatsoever when it comes to leading the highly esteemed monarchy. The prime minister under her ruling is none other than the unforgettable Sir Winston Churchill who plays the role excellently!
With time, you see her personal struggles, her relationship with Prince Philip, Philip’s personal struggles as the husband to a queen, her unique character and how she grows to become remarkable. It is a show worth your leisure time. The letters were also fascinating and Inspiring. Here is an excerpt that I loved very much. It reads…
Dearest Lilibet,
Your reign is young and so are you. There is much to be learned before you can truly understand the path that leads to your destiny. You must find the courage to rule your emotions because in time you’ll rule so much more.
Use your grace, even when you stumble. Always know who you are, and you’ll never be afraid of the truth. And the stronger your resolve, the easier it will be for people to believe you.
If you can do these things, you’ll become more than a powerful woman. You’ll become a symbol. A beacon. An icon of the ages.
This is your duty, to your family, to your country, to yourself….. and you must never, never forget it.
Signed: Elizabeth R
You need to watch this otherwise you suck! I also can’t wait for the next season!!
4. House Of Cards
To be honest, I have a love hate relationship with these two human beings. Sometimes I agree with their thinking and then sometimes I wonder who gave them the permission to breathe?! This is one of the most popular shows I think? So if you have not watched it, you have probably heard about it? Or at least you heard about the sudden shocking demise of Kelvin Spacey? Who I think is really gifted and I can’t help but lament what a waste of talent?! Netflix no longer have him on the show, the right thing to do but for the sake of empathy, sad.
Anyway, I will leave judgment to the greatest judge. I still believe he did a beautiful Job in House of Cards. As a manipulative dude that cares about nobody but himself. Driven by selfish ambitions. Some scenes are a bit disturbing if you ask me. The way he insults Jesus, even if it’s acting, is a bit far-fetched. I think you can maintain decency and still be very entertaining. So where I could give a 8/10, I ended up giving 5 for his “wife”. Otherwise they both do a fantastic job in being monsters hidden in false humility and wicked charm. You gotta see it!!
5. Planet Earth

I had to save the best for last. Also I think they should have called this: ‘God in the Wild’ or ‘God’s Art Work’ or something similar to that because WOW! Then you should see the stunning captures of the details and among the animals. Which you can also find here BBC AMERICA Shows Planet Earth.
Not forgetting David Attenborough and his soothing voice when he explains the in-depth aspects of these phenomena. This is my go to when I want to quiet the mind, relax or enjoy my cup of tea/glass of wine. I am also really fascinated by how well birds and animals have a sense of order. They know when to hibernate, work together as a team, choose their partners.. I mean, EVERYTHING, makes Praise to God a walk in the park. The show is simply a beautiful display of God’s marvelous work, nature and all there is. You have to see how the world is as beautiful as you are.
I hope you enjoyed the read and found some inspiration on what to watch next on Netflix if you have not seen these shows.
I also wonder, are there any tv shows on Netflix you are watching now that you would recommend?
What was your summer favorites? What’s on your que this coming Autumn God willing?
Personally, I look forward to the upcoming seasons of the aforementioned shows. I miss Claire and James Fraser. I also look forward to watching Black Panther like wooohoooo!! WA TO THE KA TO THE NDA!!
Last but not least, be mindful of what you choose for entertainment. Your conversations. I think its possible to enjoy your leisure time but strategically. By this I mean, taking keen consideration to the importance of your self-growth and wellness. Does your leisure time enhance you as an individual? If you can’t find anything then consider comedy. Laughter is good for your overall health and health is wealth. Also, “success is not the key to happiness but happiness is the key to success.”
Make it a habit to terminate whatever doesn’t serve your purpose or enhance your growth.
Otherwise, If you loved this article, be sure to subscribe, like and share, comment and even leave a suggestion of what post you want to see next. You can also read other articles here:
Kofi Annan Tribute
How to stay positive in a negative environment
Matcha tea benefits and how to take it
Thank you for stopping by and see you in my next post. Tomorrow is my birthday so I want to catch an early sleep so that I can wake up with a fresh mind and determine how the new age error will go.
Later Skater!
Love, Faith. Xx
The 1st and 2nd series!
Definitely need to see ?
You will love them. I promise.. Xx
You will love them. I promise.. Xx
? I can’t wait ! ?
I just started watching their new series Insatiable. It’s like, one of those train-wreck type things where you just keep watching lol
*Searching Insatiable On Netflix* thank you for the recommendation. I can’t wait to get hooked! Xx
*Searching Insatiable On Netflix* thank you for the recommendation. I can’t wait to get hooked! Xx
It’s the kind of show where you’re like “oh these people are terrible…I think I’ll watch another episode…?”
Hahaha this is what I am going through in House of Cards. I start tomorrow..
I just started watching their new series Insatiable. It’s like, one of those train-wreck type things where you just keep watching lol
The 1st and 2nd series!
Definitely need to see 😀